So, the next psychological marketing trick is to show proof that your product or brand is trusted because many people already use it, so consumers have nothing to worry about anymore. You can start by displaying reviews or recommendations from consumers, displaying product certifications that you have, to displaying ratings and Trusted Seller if you market products on the marketplace and you can optimize sales on Facebook or other social media.
Marketing Psychology Trick 4: Decoy Effect Untitled Design 13 Source: Startup Friends Iran WhatsApp Number Data Often overlooked in choices, for example food with various sizes from small, medium and large with a price difference that is not much different between medium and large .
Using this trick can encourage consumers to choose the desired outcome and is usually the most profitable choice. The most popular marketing psychology trick is the Decoy Effect, where you can increase sales by up to 60% if you apply this trick . First , you can apply the Decoy Effect by varying prices and sizes which is often done by big brands such as Starbucks.