Outsourced SEO Manager Jérémie Politi, with his entire team of experienced SEO consultants and talented editors, offers you, as an outsourced SEO manager, to take charge of the entire Sfor. 1.15: Distribution by country of paid traffic and paid keywords Distribution of paid traffic for the analyzed domain and keywords by country. 1.16: Best paying keywords Keywords generating the most paid traffic to the website.of backlinks are image links and 38% text links: Good distribution! 2.4: History of referring domains linked to the analyzed domain. The objective is to ensure that there is stability, and better still, a constant and regular increase.
The number of referring domains is fairly stable over time. Note, however, a slight decline WhatsApp Number List since J of backlinks Evolution over time of the number of backlinks to the domain analyzed. The objective is to ensure that there is stability, and better still, a constant and regular increase. The number of backlinks has been in slight decline since May but still remains at a high level. 2.6: New and lost referring domains Evolution of the number of new referring domains and lost referring domains referring to an analyzed domai New and lost backlinks Evolution of the number of new backlinks and lost backlinks leading to an analyzed domain.

Distribution of referring domain categories The ideal is to receive backlinks from domains in the same theme as the site analyzed. The closer the theme of the referring domains is to the analyzed site, the better its natural referencing will be. It's perfect Link anchors The most popular anchor texts related to the analyzed domain. The popularity of each anchor is determined by the number of backlinks using it. This also allows you to check your netlinking strategy by: Targeting natural and relevant link texts. Avoiding, as much as possible, empty or meaningless link anchors (find out more, click here, etc.