United States you can go deeper and select states or cities Age – Gender Women Languages English All Detailed Targeting Running Once you have defined your ad audience the indicator on the right will let you know if your audience size is appropriate It’s best to be in the green section of the indicator If your audience selection is too specific your ads will likely not reach many people On the other hand if your audience selection is too broad your ads will probably reach people who might not be that interested in your product Placement Instagram Stories ad placement
Next where do you want to show your ads? You already know this Facebook and Instagram Stories! If you want to run your ads on Instagram Stories only and not on Facebook feed Instagram feed etc you Mexico Phone Number Data want to select “Edit Placements” and remove all ticks except for Instagram Stories Note If you want to run your ads on Facebook Stories things get a bit tricky At the moment it’s not possible to run your ads on Facebook
Stories only You have to run them on either both Instagram and Facebook Stories or both Facebook feed and Stories If you want to run ads on Facebook Stories Stories As mentioned above when you run ads on Facebook feed and Stories your ads for Facebook Stories will be created from your Facebook feed ads and will not look that great Budget & schedule Instagram Stories budget and schedule The last things to set for your ad set is your budget and schedule