If you are not proficient in programming languages, you will still be able to perform most of the technical SEO practices and tasks without any problems. The importance of technical SEO Technical SEO is not the most important factor in search engine optimization, but it is the factor on which other factors depend. What is the meaning of this? If you have the best content on the Internet, which is tens of times better than all competitors.
You will not rank at the top of the search results. Indeed, if your site is very Telegram Number Data bad, it may not even appear in the search results. Here lies the importance of technical SEO. Note: My words do not mean that content and internal and external optimization for search engines are not important, but I mean that the correct technical standards give your content an opportunity to spread and appear. Everything you should know about technical SEO Starting now, I will present to you the core and summary of technical SEO through its concepts and practices in six points: First: structuring your site and navigating between its pages One of the most important aspects of technical SEO is the structure of the site and the ease of navigation between its pages.

As it is not only an absolute necessity for the user experience, but also for the technical performance of the site and the interaction of search engines with it. For example, some sites that do not have a correct and correct structure face problems in archiving their pages, because search engines are unable to access all of their pages. Therefore, we advise you to divide your site into levels, for example as we did in Al-Rabehun, so that: First level: Winners' home page. The second level: The major sections of the site, such as: making money from the Internet, e-commerce, marketing,…. Third level: articles in each section. Thus, we can make it easier for crawlers to access all pages of the site. Although site structure may not matter for sites that only have hundreds of pages.