Without a thorough examination of what was happening in the brands environment at that moment marketers would not be able to figure out why such a decline in financial results came from or even less how to quickly get out of the problem Currentness and scope of research Marketers conduct research to minimize the risk of errors when making marketing decisions Among other things they check which group of buyers to strengthen relationships with
which communication channels to use how to best create messages how to increase the strength of the brand and what strategic message to associate with it risk the more we know about the brand and companys environment the easier it is to determine Cell Phone Number List opportunities threats strengths and weaknesses and plan effective actions It is about knowledge that allows you to obtain the appropriate ROI by using your strengths to obtain revenue from opportunities and gives you the opportunity to limit your weaknesses which protects against threats
We also assume that this knowledge is communicated in an understandable way in the organization to the management board sales finance and production departments and that the management board and departments make decisions based on it ie in a more rather than less rational way knowledge of the marketing environment at all times In general experts agree that the period between large studies should not exceed months.