Duplicate transactions This may occur when the purchase summary may be reloaded. Then all data is sent again to Google Analytics. This is a common error that can have a huge impact on statistics because it distorts them significantly. Many users are unaware of this situation in their store. The solution may be a properly prepared custom report, No internal traffic filter It is almost certain that your store employees will visit your website every day. the conversion rate will be underestimated and the number of sessions will be overestimated.
Therefore, it is very important to exclude your own traffic from Google Analytics. Mistake Europe Cell Phone Number List Not using custom alerts It is very difficult to control all the data reports in your account at all times. Thats why its worth using custom alerts. They will help you control significant changes. Each time there is a change defined in the alert, you will receive an email from Google. Thanks to this, you will avoid many problems. Error . Ignoring diagnostic notifications Google Diagnostics is a feature that regularly checks your tracking code, account configuration, and data.

The goal is to find errors related to code implementation or incorrect settings. When it finds a problem, an appropriate message will appear. Its worth checking these notifications from time to time. When the alert is red, action must be taken immediately, the error may be significant. ga alerts Error . Failure to exclude payment gateways as a traffic source Payment gateways are a service through which you can pay for purchases by transfer, credit card, etc. Every time a user leaves the stores website to pay and returns. Google Analytics assigns such a transaction to the payment gateway. The gateway is not a source of traffic, so it does not generate revenue.