The ower of trust Buying on ine a ways carries some risk. After a the customer s ends money and does not receive the urchased roduct in his hand. He is forced to trust the store that it has a given roduct and wi send it at the dec ared time. And it is trust in the brand that is one of the most im ortant motivations for an on ine store customer. The basis for bui ding trust is of course a rofessiona ooking store website.
Its design shou d be u to date so as not to differ in design and usabi ity from com etitive so utions. However this is not enough. It is im ortant to rovide the so ca ed socia roof. This is a confirmation that Phone Number List other eo e can vouch for the brand because they have a ready used the store's offer themse ves. Thanks to our tendency to fo ow the grou socia roof strong y motivates urchases. That's why customer o inions are so im ortant.
Even where rices come to the foreonstore ratings are very im ortant for the customer. On your own website it is worth ensuring that customer recommendations are dis ayed and so iciting them. For this ur ose you can use for exam e various gratuities as we as e mai requests for o inions after urchasing a roduct. Customer o inions after com eting urchases in the on ine store | name. For a store to be trustworthy it shou d a so have a c ear rivacy o icy and an understandab e return o icy. The security of the website itse f is a so of fundamenta im ortance.