visually impaire users who use screen readers . Compression. To do this. Use a plugin like shortpixel or ewww image optimizer . Recommende reading: image seo optimization: 12 actionable tips add content navigation use content navigation to link to important parts of your article to help users quickly find the information they are looking for. Here's an example of content navigation in this post: we use custom-written ones.
And you can add content navigation to any post using a free plug-in like France WhatsApp Number Data easy table of contents . In addition to the user experience benefits. Directories can also help trigger site sublinks in the serps —which may help you win more organic clicks. Here's an example from our 301 reirect guidelines : these are the sections liste in our content navigation recommende reading: what is a site sub-chain? How to influence them add linkable elements a linkable element is a piece of information that entices people to link to your blog post.are one of the known ranking factors . Google has told us this many times. And in our research of over a billion pages .

We've found a clear correlation between backlinks and organic traffic. But how to find "Linkable elements"? Here's a simple way: put the top-ranking pages for keywords into ahrefs site explorer (website analysis) go to anchors report look for common reasons in anchor text if we did this for the #1 ranke article on “ seo techniques ” we would see that many people were linking to it because of the statistics. We can attract more people to link to our articles by including similar statistics. If we did the above for a popular article about “seo copywriting”. We would see a lot of people linking to it because of two unique concepts: if our seo copywriting article hopes to get more backlinks.