This includes style of behavior, clothing, generally accepted signs of greeting and farewell.The process of communicative interaction includes such stages as establishing primary contact between interlocutors, strengthening joint activities, exchanging messages, developing contact between communicating, developing a general interaction strategy, perceiving and understanding the opponent.
Communicative interaction includes three elements: communicative (information exchange between interlocutors); interactive (organization of interaction between all participants in communication); perceptual (formation of mutual understanding Australia Phone Number Data between all subjects of interaction). Verbal and nonverbal communications use various means to perceive and analyze information received in the process of interaction between individuals.

To understand information expressed through speech, a person uses his intellectual abilities and logic, and to accept non-verbal communication, a person uses his intuition. Speech refers to the main means by which interpersonal interaction between people is carried out. Verbal communication involves understanding how the interlocutor perceives verbal messages and what impact they have on him. Language is a universal means of social interaction between individuals. It is the most important communication tool with which a person encrypts and transmits information to interlocutors. However, language can also destroy and create obstacles.