ASSUME YOUR BUSINESS IS DIFFERENT AND CANNOT USE THIS METHODWhat is a Web Analytics Strategy?When digital marketing started, business people were faced with the reality that they had to master Web Analytics strategies for their business to be successful.They have to do something that traditional marketers cannot do, namely:Understand how their efforts help business profits.I'm sure you've heard the expression:“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the problem is that I don't know which half.
That will change.Digital marketers have access to unprecedented amounts of data, allowing Belgium Mobile Number List them to know exactly which campaigns are working and which are not.Along with this, this new type of analytics marketer is trained to use data to make better business decisions. It is true that digital marketers use more data than is usually available…… but when it comes to understanding the bigger picture big, Web Analytics strategy can make your head spin analytics strategy.

I say this from experience — I've really been clueless about Web Analytics strategy for longer than I'd like to admit. The problem is that many digital marketers don't really understand Web Analytics .Do you know what Web Analytics is? Web Analytics is the process of tracking, understanding and making decisions based on data that results in business growth. It's important to pay attention if you don't do these three things (track, understand and act). act), meaning you're only scratching the surface of what you can achieve as a digital marketer.