Read also: “Creats in Telegram: what they are and how to identify them.” Agency services for promoting telegram channels The laziest method, which is suitable if you have certain funds for promotion. And effective - agencies use all available methods of attracting traffic to the telegram channel and take a percentage of the budget for this. Advantages: the ability to pay for services from a legal entity, predictable results, campaign control. The downside is that the method is suitable for companies with a budget of 30,000 rubles or more for promotion in Telegram.
An example of a proposal for promoting a Telegram channel from an agency An example of a proposal for promoting a Telegram channel from an agency To get the maximum effect from cooperation, you need to find the right contractor - with a good reputation and clear cases. Traffic from Web Development Services external sources Leave a link to Telegram in communities, chats, groups and forums where this is permissible. Accompany it with a description and useful information. For example, you can respond to media requests and give expert comments on the Pressfeed platform, subject to mentioning the Telegram channel. The more useful the information accompanying the link is, the more traffic you can get in Telegram.
It also depends on the site’s traffic and the topic of the channel. Mechanics for attracting traffic to Telegram You can conduct various activities on your channel and external resources to attract new audiences. Competitions and sweepstakes Select a prize and write a competition post with detailed conditions for participation. To get motivated traffic on Telegram, choose a valuable reward for which people will want to subscribe to the channel. This could be a physical product, a certificate for a service, or a discount. To tag participants, create a form through.